We are BEYOND excited to share our news about our wonderful sponsors. Colorado Springs Homeschool Sports League or CSHSL is a volunteer operated, player driven, parent managed organization. We could not be successful with the costs of the field rentals and equipment without our Sponsors. Please check-out our amazing Sponsors for our Season!
Welcome to our league!
Peak Sponsor
Pinnacle Sponsor
Coaches Choice is now at Big League Graphics. We are located at
3730 Constitution Ave. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909
If you have any questions or want on check on availability & pricing for any products please call 1 (719) 550 - 9214 or email us at sales@bigleaguegraphics.com
Owners / Designers
Don Pettrow don@bigleaguegraphics.com
Shirley Pettrow shirley@bigleaguegraphics.com
Brooke brooke@bigleaguegraphics.com
For questions and help please contact us at customerservice@bigleaguegraphics.com
3T Martial Arts is not just training, but how you reinforce values in a homeschool education. Co-owners Christina and Eric Davis are experts in values-based education. Their curriculum complements homeschool by linking together the mind, body and spirit (the 3 "tigers" in 3T). Kids learn by doing, and complex lessons like discipline and respect will stick if they're delivered in the context of active learning.
Mesa Sponsor
Dr. Caleb White is a 2007 graduate of Cleveland Chiropractic College and a 2003 graduate of Pittsburg State University. After an internship at the VA hospital in Kansas City, he moved, with his wife Megan, to Colorado Springs and became the Clinical director of Northeast Chiropractic Center. It is Dr. White’s emphasis to create a family atmosphere at NorthEnd Chiropractic Center where you feel genuinely cared for. Dr. White treats patients of all ages; from newborns to those later in life.